Gifted & Talented Testing

Gifted & Talented Testing

Why Test for Gifted Intellectual Ability?

Early identification of talented students is important. Children with exceptional academic abilities are significantly different from most of their classmates in their pace of learning and intellectual interests. If educational intervention does not take place at an early age, the child is missing out on valuable years of exciting learning. Furthermore, the recognition and rewarding of academic talent in a child helps to build confidence, self-esteem, and a positive attitude toward learning.

An accurate assessment of specific strengths facilitates the development of an appropriate educational program that is matched to the child’s level of ability to learn. Achieving a good match may necessitate flexible pacing, independent study, accelerated learning classes, or cross-grade grouping for instruction in specific subjects.

How Should Gifted Children be Identified?

The single best method available for the identification of children with superior cognitive abilities is a standardized, individually administered test of intelligence, such as the Wechsler series, or the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Fifth Edition. A specific IQ level is currently the most adequate index of giftedness. For example, a Full Scale IQ score of 133 or above, on the WPPSI-IV for 4 to 7 year old children, is on or above the 99th percentile for age. In addition to an individual test of intelligence, specific ability tests may be important to determine children’s abilities in mathematics or language arts.

Talented children may have a diverse range of abilities, such as leadership, creativity, and task commitment for which there are no reliable measures. In addition, art and music skills need different identification procedures from cognitive testing. The most effective means of identification of giftedness combines the results from several procedures, such as standardized IQ and achievement tests, parent and teacher reports, observation of a child’s behavior, and review of a child’s creative work.

Preparing Your Child for Testing

Gifted testing is offered as an enjoyable and interesting learning experience with a supportive and encouraging examiner. Tell your child he or she will play some word, puzzle, and block games with an adult professional. The information from the session will provide parents with an understanding of their child’s learning style and may help to determine the best school program for the child. The goal is to see how the child works with easy, challenging, and unknown tasks.

Federal Definition of Gifted and Talented Students

The United States federal definition of gifted and talented students:

The term ‘gifted and talented’ when used in respect to students, children, or youth means [those who show] evidence of high performance capability, in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school, in order to fully develop such capabilities.
– P.L. 103–382, Title XIV, p. 388

Gifted Assessment Options

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV)
(for 2 year 6 months through 7 years 3 months)

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
(for 6 years and older)

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales: Fifth Edition
(all ages)

How to Schedule Testing

Please send an email to

Include your name, your child’s name and date of birth and the date and time you wish to schedule a testing. Dr. Escarce will contact you via email with a confirmation.

What to Bring

The child will have an opportunity for a snack break with parent in the middle of the testing period (after 45 minutes). Parents should bring a bottle of water and child’s choice of a healthy snack.

Gifted Children with Learning Differences (a.k.a. Twice Exceptional)

Assessment, Intervention, School Consultation, and Family Coaching

Psycho-educational assessments are also provided to gifted children with learning differences (e.g., ADHD, weak Working Memory, weak Processing Speed, weak Executive Functions, Reading difficulties, or Math difficulties). These assessments may include school observations, consultations, and recommendations for child and family interventions.